Baptism at Munns

Baptism at Munn's

What does Baptism mean?

In the United Church of Canada, baptism means "welcome". By baptism, a person becomes a member of the universal Christian church, and of Munn’s United in particular. It is by baptism that we are included in the people of God, a community of loving Christian folk in whose presence we grow in faith and by whom we are supported.

The sacrament of baptism is also a celebration of the love and tender mercy of God that is poured out on each of our lives. We affirm that each of us is precious in God’s sight. We also affirm that we are people of potential and that God values us and counts us as worthwhile. Great things happen in this world because we are who we are!

When and how does Baptism happen?

Baptism is celebrated during Sunday worship. Usually, arrangements can be made to accommodate family schedules. At Munn’s, we celebrate baptism as part of our regular worship experience as it helps us to focus on the precious life that is joining us, and to whom we are promising loving support.

The act of baptism happens when water is placed on the forehead of the person being baptized. This water is a symbol of the love of God, of God’s power to renew and refresh us, and of God’s desire to cleanse us.

Enquiries should be directed to the main office at

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